Deal with problems and benefit from experience


The step-by-step processing of problems helps to achieve the objectives. Learning from experience supports continual improvement within the project and the core organization.

Basic idea

Identifying and solving problems at an early stage is an important prerequisite for achieving milestones and project objectives. If the person working on the problem cannot solve it or cannot solve it in time, the problem is escalated immediately within the project organization.

The lessons learned from solving problems are useful as a pool of experience as the project progresses and also for other projects. The pool of experience and its use is part of a continual improvement process in the project and in the core organization. This does not take place only at the end of the project.


The escalation process is regulated project-specifically in the project management plan. The lessons learned are pooled in the outcome referred to as project lessons learned. Evaluating the lessons learned is a team task.

The experience gained and the measures identified for solving problems are incorporated into the tasks manage and control project and prepare phase release.


  1. Identify and evaluate problems
  2. Define measures and monitor their implementation
  3. Initiate and manage escalations and implement de-escalation measures
  4. Inform those involved about the solution
  5. Regularly analyze the lessons learned from the project's progression and problem situations, and identify improvement measures for further project execution
  6. Continually document the lessons learned in the outcome referred to as project lessons learned and pass them on to the core organization


Module Task Task responsibility Outcome Involved in creation of outcome
Project management Deal with problems and benefit from experience Project manager Lessons learned
