Customized IT application


The customized IT application scenario supports the execution of those projects where an IT application is developed for the specific needs of one or more specialist areas (user needs) and is integrated both technically and organizationally.

Phases and milestones

The customized IT application scenario comprises the phases and milestones shown in Figure 13:

Figure 13: Phases and milestones of the customized IT application scenario
Figure 13: Phases and milestones of the customized IT application scenario

The milestones are assigned to the hierarchy levels of steering, management and execution.

Call for tender and award decisions made within the framework of procurement depend on the requirements of the project and the project's progression, and are basically possible whatever the phase, assuming necessary outcomes (project foundations).


The customized IT application scenario consists of the modules shown in Figure 14:

The scenario can be further adapted to the specific project. For example, if it is not necessary to replace a legacy system, the IT migration module can simply be removed.

Figure 14: Modules in the context of the customized IT application scenario
Figure 14: Modules in the context of the customized IT application scenario


The modules of the customized IT application scenario comprise the following tasks:

TableĀ 3: Tasks of the customized IT application scenario
Module Initiation Concept Implementation Deployment
Project steering

Commission and steer initiation

Decide on project release

Steer project

Decide on phase release

Steer project

Decide on phase release

Steer project

Decide on project closure

Project management

Manage and control initiation

Decide on an option

Draw up project order

Manage and control project

Agree on and steer goods/services

Deal with problems and benefit from experience

Manage stakeholders and communication

Perform quality assurance

Manage risks

Lead change management

Prepare phase release

Manage and control project

Agree on and steer goods/services

Deal with problems and benefit from experience

Manage stakeholders and communication

Perform quality assurance

Manage risks

Lead change management

Prepare phase release

Manage and control project

Agree on and steer goods/services

Deal with problems and benefit from experience

Manage stakeholders and communication

Perform quality assurance

Manage risks

Lead change management

Prepare project closure

Project foundations

Conduct a study

Analyze the legal basis

Analyze protection needs

Business organization

Draw up business organization concept

Realize business organization

Activate business organization

IT system

Design a system concept

Realize prototype

Design an integration concept

Decide on system architecture

Realize prototype

Realize system

Prepare system integration

Activate system


Draw up a procurement plan

Prepare a call for tenders

Decide on call for tenders

Issue a call for tenders

Evaluate tenders

Decide on contract award

Draw up agreement

Deployment organization

Design a deployment concept

Prepare deployment

Decide on preliminary acceptance

Execute deployment

Decide on launch of operation

Decide on acceptance


Design a test concept

Realize test infrastructure

Conduct test

Conduct test

Transfer test concept and infrastructure

IT migration

Design a migration concept

Realize migration procedure

Conduct migration

Decide on acceptance of migration

Decommission the legacy system

IT operation

Design an operating concept

Realize operation

Integrate system in operation

Activate operation

Information security and data protection

Design ISDP concept

Decide on ISDP concept

Implement ISDP concept

Transfer ISDP concept


The modules of the customized IT application scenario comprise the outcomes listed in the outcome diagram.

Figure 15: Outcomes of the customized IT application scenario modules
Figure 15: Outcomes of the customized IT application scenario modules

The outcome diagram in Figure 15 shows the outcomes of the scenario throughout the phases and the rough logical interdependencies. Aside from the logical interdependencies, there are also content-related interdependencies. These are not shown in the outcome diagram.