Technical committee


The technical committee is role group, which under the traditional approach supports the project management with the evaluation of outcomes.

The members of the technical committee raise the concerns of the organizational unit they represent. The project management organizes and chairs the meetings of the technical committee.


  1. Advice and support for the project management in the evaluation of specialist issues and outcomes
  2. Support for the project and its anchoring in the organization represented by the technical committee member
  3. Early raising of concerns of the organization represented


  1. Gives recommendations on outcomes to the project management
  2. Gives recommendations on quality assurance measures to the project management
  3. Can access all required information


  1. In-depth knowledge of the specialist area and special field represented
  2. Business administration knowledge for evaluating and prioritizing requirements and assessing options and economic efficiency
  3. Ability to work in a team, to communicate, and to resolve conflicts


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