Organization concept


The organization concept goes into more depth about the solution option described and selected in the study from an organizational perspective. It is based on the organizational requirements, supplemented where needed by the findings from the solution requirements, and it describes the relevant business model aspects as well as the organizational and process structure (business processes) for business processing and support. It shows which new organization is created and which changes are made to what already exists.


  1. Background
  2. Organizational requirements
  3. Business model with
    1. Customer segmentation and value propositions
    2. Customer contact points and customer relationships
    3. Key activities and key resources
    4. Key partnerships
    5. Revenue sources and cost structure
  4. Organizational structure with
    1. Organizational principles and options
    2. Rough organization description
    3. Organization chart
  5. Process structure with
    1. Process landscape
    2. Description of actual/target situation
    3. Processes to be supported
    4. Rough process description with
      1. Core processes
      2. Management processes
      3. Support processes
  6. Overview of changes
  7. Requirement coverage



Module Task Task responsibility Outcome Involved in creation of outcome
Organization Draw up organization concept Business analyst Organization concept Business analyst, User representative