Project perspectives

Overview of the perspectives

Due to the clear structure of HERMES with roles, tasks and outcomes, various project perspectives can be taken (see Figure 8).

  1. Timing perspective
  2. Partner perspective
  3. Hierarchy perspective
Figure 8: Project perspectives
Figure 8: Project perspectives

Timing perspective

The phase model subdivides the life cycle of the project and creates the conditions for the project participants' common understanding of the course of the project.

The timing perspective shows

  1. which tasks and outcomes are processed in which phase;
  2. which milestones lie in which phase and which decisions are made in the process.

Partner perspective

A role is assigned to one or more project partners (user, creator or operator). The role holder represents the view of his organization in the project.

Based on the assignment of roles to a partner, each partner sees

  1. which roles he typically has to occupy in the project;
  2. the tasks for which he is responsible;
  3. the outcomes on which he collaborates.

Hierarchy perspective

The hierarchy levels regulate responsibility in a project. They support governance compliance.

The hierarchy perspective shows

  1. which decision-making tasks are located at which hierarchy level;
  2. which outcomes occur at which hierarchy level;
  3. to which hierarchy level the roles are assigned.