

The role of developer is comprehensive and refers to the product developer and IT developer. The developer drafts, shapes and creates the product or IT system according to the requirements under the guidance of the project manager. He integrates the product or IT system into the operator's environment.


  1. Responsible for the development of the development outcomes while adhering to the set deadlines and budgets


  1. Can access all required information


  1. In-depth knowledge of the special field of product or software development
  2. In-depth knowledge of design, specification, development, testing and integration methods and practices
  3. Knowledge of HERMES
  4. Ability to work in a team, to communicate and to resolve conflicts


Module Task Task responsibility Outcome Involved in creation of outcome
Agile development Design release plan Developer Release plan Operations manager, Business analyst
Keep a product backlog Project manager Product backlog Business analyst, Developer
Conduct sprints Developer Sprint backlog Business analyst
Minutes Project manager
IT system Realize system Developer System developed or parameterized
System architecture Operations manager
User manual User representative
Detailed specifications Business analyst, IT-architect
Design a system concept IT-architect Detailed study Business analyst, User representative, Developer
System architecture Operations manager, Developer
Design an integration concept IT-architect Integration concept Operations manager, Business analyst, Developer
Realize prototype Developer Prototype realized IT-architect
Prototype documentation IT-architect
Prepare system integration Developer Interfaces realized
System architecture Operations manager
Integration and installation instructions Operations manager
Detailed specifications Business analyst, IT-architect
Activate system Developer System activated Operations manager, Business analyst, Application owner
Procurement Issue a call for tenders Project manager Offer Operations manager, Developer
Deployment organization Decide on acceptance Project manager Acceptance report Operations manager, User representative, Application owner, Developer, Quality and risk manager
Decide on preliminary acceptance Project manager Acceptance report Operations manager, User representative, Application owner, Developer, Quality and risk manager
Testing Conduct test Test manager Test concept Tester, Operations manager, Business analyst, Developer
Design a test concept Test manager Test concept Tester, Operations manager, Business analyst, Developer
IT migration Decide on acceptance of migration Project manager Acceptance report Operations manager, User representative, Application owner, Developer, Quality and risk manager
Design a migration concept IT-architect Migration concept Business analyst, Developer
Realize migration procedure Developer Detailed specifications Business analyst, IT-architect
Migration procedure Operations manager
Conduct migration Developer Migration carried out Operations manager, Business analyst, Application owner
IT operation Activate operation Operations manager Operation activated Application owner, Developer
Integrate system in operation Operations manager System integrated Developer
Information security and data protection Implement ISDP concept Project manager ISDP measures Operations manager, ISDP manager, Developer